Scrip uses gift certificates that Saint Michael's purchases from Great Lakes Scrip at a discounted rate. For instance, $500 of Spartan Scrip (gift cards) will be purchased from Great Lakes Scrip Co. for $490.00. Several parishioners will purchase it from Saint Michael's for the face value of $500 and the extra $10 will be parish income. 25% of the income will be applied to the General Fund and the remaining 75% can be applied to one of the following: General Operating Fund, Building Fund, School Tuition, Tuition Assistance, Endowment Fund, Mission Trip/World Youth Day or for Faith Formation Fees. If these numbers seem small to you, think about if the whole parish purchased everything possible; gas, clothing, food, veterinary services, restaurants, fast food, movies, home improvement etc. through the SCRIP program. We probably wouldn't need to tithe! The idea is the parishioners are spending the same money they would normally spend, but by a little planning ahead, the church and their choice of account gets a percentage.
First you must enroll so we know where you earnings should go. You can enroll at the scrip table at church, in the parish office, or download the Enrollment Form.
Scrip can be purchased before or after Mass on Sundays or at the Parish Office anytime during regular office hours. If you want to see what we have in stock, you can download the In Stock Form.
The Long Order Form has all of our merchants (the ones in bold are usually in stock). These orders must be placed on Sunday by 1:00 p.m. and they will be available as early as Wednesday that same week.
Please see the Online Payment Form to learn how to purchase Scrip online with your credit card.
Our 2022 Annual Festival and Chicken Dinner was once again a huge success! Thank you to everyone who attended and worked behind the scenes. We are thankful for each and every one of you!
Contact our Festival Chair-People:
Cindy Lindberg & Jennifer Lindberg
Festival Co-Chairs
The goal of the "Angel Cooks" ministry is to assist our population of Saint Michael's by bringing in a main meal for a family when illness or hardship puts a burden upon them.
Meals will be provided as many days per week as needed. We have found that most people request 2 meals per week.
Contact our Angel Cook Ministry Leader:
Carolyn Johnson
Composed of parishioners who consult with the Pastor in discerning through prayer and study how the parish can best carry out the mission of Christ in our world. Membership is open to parish members who are selected by the Pastor.
Current Pastoral Council Members: Pete Nielsen, Kevin Kilpatrick, Karen Helsen, Wade Lindberg, Zach Nelson, Amber Nelson, Andrew Bonter
The Finance Council serves the pastor as primary consultants in financial matters. They assist the pastor in formulating policies and procedures for the effective management of parish assets.
Current Finance Council Members: Ken Schwallier, Rick Weigel, Paul Schmidt, and Dennis Zimmer
The Disciples of Saint Mary and Saint Michael is modeled after Mary, the Mother of Jesus, who is Jesus’ first and foremost disciple, and His encouragement that we, like Mary, be His disciples in our lives. The beginning outreach for Disciples is to the Senior Adults of our parishes.
Senior Adults: How may our parishes be of help to you? Please indicate the ways we can assist you in the Senior Assistance Form. On the reverse side, are ways that you, our Senior Adults, can offer your assistance - including from your home.
Parish Volunteers Assisting Seniors: Would you please choose one way (or if possible, more) to offer assistance to Senior Adults in our parishes. Just choosing one, will offer so much in our parishes! If you can, please fill out the Volunteers Helping Seniors Form.