The box sets are distributed annually. They are available in the glass hallway in the month of December for the following year. To ensure proper credit, please discard old envelopes and only use the current year, as your envelope number will change.
Have your child participate in giving their offering. During the collection at Mass, your child is welcome to bring their envelope or gift of money to the basket in front of the Altar.
Make giving easy, anytime, anywhere with Online BILL PAY. Check with your financial institution to see if they offer BILL PAY. Most customers qualify for FREE Bill Pay sign-up. Set up "St Michael Church" as your “payee” and you can tell your bank when to pay and how much to pay. You can schedule recurring payments weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Save time and your checks. Questions? Please call the parish office
More and more people are managing their finances electronically. Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is commonly used to make mortgage and car payments, to pay utility bills and to receive Social Security payments. EFT eliminates the need to write checks and is now offered to parishioners as a convenient method to provide regular offertory support.
EFT is quick, safe, eliminates the need for check writing and is an easy way for parishioners to provide their regular offertory support. EFT also helps the parish, which receives your regular offertory support even when you are traveling, on vacation, or unable to attend.
For more information on this method of offertory support, please download the EFT Form and if you have any further questions please contact the parish office.